Since Thursday, December 14, 2023, two robots have been in use at Zurich-Kloten Airport to support passengers. Their main purpose is to clean large areas, but they can also be used by passengers.
“Zulu” and “Charlie” can be found regularly in the check-in areas and in the shopping area of Switzerland’s largest airport. Most of the time they are supposed to be busy cleaning floors. The airport will also gain insights into how cleaning staff can be relieved.
Cleanliness is a very high priority at Zurich Airport. He has already received several awards for this. Flughafen Zürich AG is now adding two robots to its approximately 300-strong building cleaning team for test purposes. By using it, employees are relieved of the burden of cleaning large areas, giving them free time for tasks that require more manual skills. This could also increase the attractiveness of the job profile.
In addition, Flughafen Zürich AG will test how the interaction between robot technology and employees works and how it is able to use this technology. All stores do not require cleaning machines, passengers can interact with the robots. Zulu and Charlie have various sensors. Outlines can be recognized here, but no video material can be created. The testing phase of the devices will run until mid-February. The robots operate autonomously and, after a short initial phase, will clean the surfaces on their own.
“Our goal is to gain experience and understand how the robots work in crowds. How they move, how they interact with passengers and employees and vice versa,” by Daniel Ammann, Head of Building Cleaning at Flughafen Zürich AG.
The post Zurich Airport relies on talking cleaning robots appeared first on Aviation.Direct.
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