With a « flight altitude » of 45 meters, the low-cost airline Wizz Air is offering what is probably the cheapest « flight » at the Donauinselfest. The company is sponsoring the event this year and has a small attraction in store.
Take a cable car gondola made by Carvatech, hang it on a crane and you have an attraction for visitors to the Danube Island Festival. They are then pulled up to a height of around 45 meters, where you can admire an excellent view of the Vienna skyline and the Danube Island. Because the floor of the cable car gondola is also made of glass, the Wizz Air stand can also be viewed from a bird’s eye view.
The budget airline will obviously use this unusual attraction to draw attention to itself in order to gain additional customers. In any case, there are no competitors at the event. Use of the gondola is free during the opening hours of the Wizz Air stand. This is located in the immediate vicinity of the Brigittenau Bridge on the Danube Island in the Austrian capital Vienna.
Below you will find some impressions from what is probably the most successful “Wizz Air flight”.
The article Donauinselfest: Probably the cheapest “Wizz Air flight” first appeared on Aviation.Direct.
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L’article aviation: Donauinselfest: Probably the cheapest “Wizz Air flight” est apparu en premier sur CENTRAL-INTELLIGENCE-OF-AVIATION.